Reading Matters Publishing

Book Size Phase 3 (26 Titles)


Enjoy more adventures with Pat, Sad Dad and Miss Fusspot in the next edition of Pocket Rockets. There are lots more fun characters to meet as your children progress to the next stage of reading.

The purple Pocket Rockets Book Pack contains one copy of each title. The 26 books sequentially introduce the Letters and Sounds of j v w x y z qu ch sh th ng ai ee igh oa oo ar or ur ow oi ear air ure er and some tricky words: for of my she be so was do said

Suitable for parents to use with their children at home or for guided reading in the classroom. 

Book size 15cm x 20cm  



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Stage 3

It was a game changer, managed to get my prep daughter to finally get interested and reading something she could recognise. If you are a worried about your kids reading, give it a go. You will be surprised. I don’t normally provide reviews but I hope this will help others as it did to me.
Posted by Monica, 22nd Nov 2023